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Bernard Support for Discord Threads

On July 27th, 2021, Discord introduced support for threads, which are a way to create multiple sub-topics under a text channel in a Discord server. You can read Discord's blog post about threads, Discord's Threads FAQ, and Discord's Threads Moderation FAQ for more information about this feature.

Bernard does not support messages sent within a thread. This means that any message sent to a thread will not be analyzed or deleted by Bernard's AutoMod feature. This also means that Bernard will not respond to commands sent within a thread.

Support for threading will be added in a future release. We cannot introduce this support until our dependent libraries introduce support for Discord's API v9 (currently, only API v8 is supported). As soon as our dependent libraries introduce support for this API, we will work on updating Bernard to add support for threads.

In the meantime, we recommend disabling the Use Public Threads, Use Private Threads, and Manage Threads permissions for the @everyone role in your server.

How Do I Disable Thread Permissions?

In Discord, select your server. Locate the server menu by finding the name of your server in the upper-left hand corner with a drop-down menu signified by a downwards-facing arrow. An example of this is shown below, with the server menu highlighted in red.

Server Menu Location

Left-click on the downwards-facing arrow, then select the "Server Settings" option from the drop-down menu that appears. An example of this is shown below, with the "Server Settings" option highlighted in red.

Server Settings Menu

In the menu that appears, left-click the "Roles" option in the left-hand pane. An example of this is shown below, with the "Roles" option highlighted in red.

Server Settings Roles Location

In the menu that appears in the right-hand pane, left-click on the "Default Permissions" box. An example of this is shown below, with the "Default Permissions" option highlighted in red.

Server Roles Default Permissions

In the menu that appears in the right-hand pane, select the "Permissions" tab if it does not appear by default. An example of this is shwon below, with the "Permissions" tab highlighted in red.

Server Default Permissions Tab

In the menu that appears in the right-hand pane, use the search bar to filter using the word "thread". The "Use Public Threads", "Use Private Threads", and "Manage Threads" permissions should appear below the search bar. Ensure that each permission is disabled by ensuring a gray "X" is displayed in the slider moved to the left. An example of this is shown below, where all three permissions have been disabled. The settings for your server should look identical to this picture.

Server Thread Permissions Disabled