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Server Permissions

This section of the document describes the Discord server permissions needed in order for Bernard to work as expected.

Permission Name Purpose
View Audit Log Not presently used in the current implementation, but could be used as part of future features.
Manage Server Delete server invites when accounts leave the server.
Manage Roles Used for the !silence and !unsilence commands to add and remove the role defined by the !role silence command so that targeted users cannot send messages, add reactions, or speak/stream in voice channels.
Manage Channels Create new channels when Bernard initially joins the server. Important events (such as when members are kicked/banned, etc.) relevant to moderating the server are routed to these channels. Also used for the !lock and !unlock commands.
Kick Members Kick members from the server, either as a result of a violation in Bernard's AutoMod pipeline or as a result of a !kick command from an administrator.
Ban Members Ban members from the server, either as a result of a violation in Bernard's AutoMod pipeline or as a result of a !ban command from an administrator.
Change Nickname Not presently used in the current implementation, but could be used as part of future features.
Manage Nicknames Not presently used in the current implementation, but could be used as part of future features.
View Channels Used to monitor messages sent to text channels.
Send Messages Send messages to text channels, primarily to respond to commands and report important events in notification channels (such as when members are kicked/banned, etc.)
Manage Messages Delete messages that are detected as a violation of the AutoMod pipeline.
Embed Links Not presently used in the current implementation, but could be used as part of future features.
Attach Files Not presently used in the current implementation, but could be used as part of future features.
Read Message History Used to iterate through a specific user's message history as part of the !cleanup command.
Use External Emojis Not presently used in the current implementation, but could be used as part of future features.
Add Reactions Used to add reactions to feedback embeds, which can be used to interact with the embed.
Use Slash Commands Not presently used in the current implementation, but will be used in the future when slash commands are more widely adopted.
Mute Members Mute members from voice channels in the server as a result of a !mute command from an administrator.


Denying Bernard one of the above permissions may prevent some features from working as expected!

The integer for these permissions is 2621828342.